Video by jsq at RIPE 61 in Rome, Italy, 15 Nov 2010. His slides, the RIPE Atlas home page, and the conference will put up video of all the talks within about a day.
PS: My talk is 11AM Rome time tomorrow, Tuesday 16 Nov.
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Chris Anderson: The Long Tail: Why the Future of Business Is Selling Less of More
Long Tail > Fat Head; Participation > Broadcast; Niche > Big.
John S. Quarterman: Risk Management Solutions for Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404 IT Compliance
Beyond SOX. Beyond the firewall, into the Internet, where nobody controls everything, and security must become risk management
Jared Diamond: Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed
The author examines societies from the smallest (Tikopia) to the largest (China) and why they have succeeded or failed, where failure has included warfare, poverty, depopulation, and complete extinction. He thought he could do this purely through examining how societies damaged their environments, but discovered he also had to consider climate change, hostile neighbors, trading partners, and reactions of the society to all of those, including re-evaluating how the society's basic suppositions affect survival in changed conditions.
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A highly readable backgrounder on the evolution of risk management, from probabilities to joint stock companies.