<~~T.A.Z~~> |
Most exploits through the Internet have been relatively small guys (individuals, gangs, etc.) against big companies and governments. Yet they're already using botnets to leverage their activity. What happens when botnets start connecting with other botnets via wireless?
Consider the following scenarios:
- malware infected PCs actually opening a WiFi connection in a port-knocking nature to the wireless botnet master only
- no need for wardriving, as malware authors would quickly map the entire WiFi vulnerable population around a given region in the age of malware geolocating IPs using commercial services
- once a PC gets infected inside an organization, it can automatically turn into a wardriving zombie exposing vulnerable WiFi connections within
- Bluetooth scanning plugins expose even more vulnerable Bluetooth-enabled devices in the range of the infected host
— Distributed WiFi Scanning Through Malware, by Dancho Danchev, @ Friday, August 24, 2007
It already wasn't clear which side the asymmetry favored, since the bad guys use the full leverage of the Internet and the defenders mostly don't. Now the bad guys can leverage the leverage of the Internet by also using local wireless connections to further interconnect.
Did we need more proof that there's no such thing as a perimeter to fortify anymore?