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November 27, 2006


Fazal Majid

Apparently some spammers have been using the lure of free porn to tap another source of cheap labor: bored American teens. Not to mention the commercial availability of Amazon.com Mechanical Turk, which aggregates humans to perform menial information tasks (I don't know what policies Amazon.com has in place, if any, to prevent its service from being misused by spammers.

Perry E. Metzger

Repeating the earlier comment, there are a lot of scams going in which humans are shown captchas supposedly to get at porn (and in fact sometimes a bit of porn is actually shown), but those captchas in fact originate at other sites and the humans are being scammed to fill them in on behalf of the spammers. This has been used to attack both blogs and various freemail services.

There are all sorts of derivative scams one can think of using these techniques...

Kassie trenton

Apparently some spammers have been using the lure of free porn to tap another source of cheap labor like the ones on:http://www.badspace.com

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