OK, I think I saw some confirming comments about my interpretation of Softbank ADSL's 50Mbps for $25/mo. offering.
For those who don't read Japanese, Try this.
Meanwhile, NTT has decided to get more subscribers than Yahoo Japan by using Fiber to the Home (FTTH). How fast is that? $100Mbps for $31/month.
Show me any U.S. city where individuals can by Internet access at speeds anywhere near that for prices anywhere like that.
Meanwhile, the company that started Japan's most recent broadband push, Softbank, is profitable.
And while U.S. telcos complain they need special treatment to do what Softbank and NTT have already done, NTT is already branching out overseas, offering 100Mbps in other countries. As a demonstration, it broadcast Superbowl XL back to Japan in high definition.
Hey, maybe that's how we'll finally get fast broadband stateside!