Bruce Sterling,, who has studied and practiced paper and online media his en
tire career, and who also traveled to the USSR and then to Russia, says
Prof. Clemons hasn't imagined the worst:
(((Well, no -- the "worst" would be that the publishers keep grinding out
product, only it's evil propaganda entirely subsidized by ultrawealthy
moguls who have made themselves the only public source of news and
culture. In other words, the commercial press collapses and it's replaced
by a classically fascist press. (Likely run on bailout money.) THAT's the
worst -- with the possible exception of a furious proletarian upheaval
that forces everyone to read grimy, poorly-printed copies of PRAVDA.)))
It would be easy to see a path from where we are now (half of U.S.
media is
owned by only five companies that actively suppress stories
they don't want to hear and promote stupid ones they do want) to Bruce's