Some people use the Internet simply to check e-mail and look up phone numbers. Others are online all day, downloading big video and music files.The article names Time Warner, Comcast, and AT&T as the three prospective byte chargers.For years, both kinds of Web surfers have paid the same price for access. But now three of the country’s largest Internet service providers are threatening to clamp down on their most active subscribers by placing monthly limits on their online activity.
— Charging by the Byte to Curb Internet Traffic, By BRIAN STELTER, New York Times, Published: June 15, 2008
I can remember when all the European PTTs charged by the byte. That held the Internet in Europe back by at least four years. The article rightly points out byte charging would interfere with all sorts of business plans. It would also inhibit political speech.
Isn't it lovely when the duopoly that controls U.S. Internet access considers participation a leak that needs to be fixed?