When I invented the Web, I didn't have to ask anyone's permission.That's Internet freedom. That's why we need net neutrality.&mdash: Net Neutrality: This is serious by timbl (Tim Berners-Lee), DiG, Wed, 2006-06-21 16:35
What is net neutrality?
If I pay to connect to the Net with a certain quality of service, and you pay to connect with that or greater quality of service, then we can communicate at that level.Where you and I are any pair of participants on the Internet.
For more, see Tim Berners-Lee's blog post, or his video blog version, in which he seems to be channeling Dr. Emmett Brown from Back to the Future crossed with Dr. Who (serious political commentary doesn't have to be dry).
Or see quotes from his testimony before Congress, or his text version of his full testimony, or video of the subcommittee session, in which he is testifying as dignified engineer justifiably compared by Chairman Markey with Einstein and Jonas Salk, although I'd think Edison or Franklin would be more apt. It's 28:45 minutes in on the subcommittee video.
PS: Seen on Ars Technica.