Saturday, Jan. 14, 2012, 9-5
UGA's Vidalia Onion & Vegetable Research Center, between Lyons & Reidsville, Ga. & Red Earth Farm, ReidsvilleWhat:
Logistics:Day-long, information-packed mini-conference for backyard organic gardeners, sustainable farmers, modern homesteaders, and do-it-ourselfers in the southern Georgia region. Sessions on soil, permaculture, fermentation, solar cooking, hand tools, pruning fruit trees, growing wilt-free tomatoes, Dutch oven cookery, and much more. Meet other passionate agrarians.
Cost is sliding scale $30-45, includes lunch, as local and organic as possible.
Note: $5 cash per person is returned if you carpool with three or more people. $2.50 per person returned if you carpool with 2. Scholarships available for low-income farmers, students, single parents & others. Just ask.
To Register, send a check made payable to Raven Waters to the address below. Please indicate the following:
Mail to:Name
Omnivore or Vegetarian?
Require handicapped or other special access?Red Earth FarmFor more information, email [email protected] or call 912.557.1053.
895 Catherine T. Sanders Road
Reidsville, GA 30453
There's also a facebook event.