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November 19, 2011


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Barbara Stratton

This is a direct result of UN Agenda 21 initiatives that are creating federal regulations on everything to gain total control over all citizens. One of the prime objectives is to gain control of all food sources. That is why I keep saying anti-UN Agenda 21 efforts are non-partisan & hopefully more citizens will come to realize that big government is false promises & tyranny. It pledges free food & other necessities when it actually intends to rob all private citizens of their food supplies so they can manipulate control. We are working to expose the multi-dimensional covert infiltration & just attended a UN Agenda 21 information & training conference in Jax on the 17th. All citizens need to get informed. If you think it's not already in Lowndes County you are dead wrong. Use your internet resources to research for yourself before the Feds very soon control that too. This is not Conspiracy Theory because it is readily documented by anyone who researches while the information is there. Local buzz words are: Public/Private Partnerships (open fascism, dismantlement of fair bidding rules & grant subsidizing of Crony Capitalism), Green Energy, Green Builders, Brownfields & Super Funds, district taxes such as T-Splost (forerunner to district consolidations) & many more. We learned at the conference that so many citizens are becoming aware of their agenda that they are changing up some of the names & buzzwords to further conceal motives & avoid exposure. The majority of elected officials state wide have bought into the system to maintain their positions so we cannot depend on them to protect us. The ultimate UN Aganda 21 goal is distruction of local, state & national sovereignty leading to One World Government.


Really? I could argue UFOs with just as much validity as you've ever provided for your version of Agenda 21.
Meanwhile, the real U.N. is promoting organic agriculture, not draconian raids:

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